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Cohen, M. (2007) To think, to compare, to combine, to methodise: Girls’ Education in Enlightenment Britain.  In: Knott, S. & Taylor, B. (eds) Women, Gender and Enlightenment. Basingstoke, Palgrave MacMillan.


Fenning, D. (1776) The improved universal spelling-book: or, a new and easy guide to the English language. Salisbury, S. Crowder, R. Baldwin & B. Collins. ECCO. [Online] Available from: [Accessed 10 May 2018].


Gay, J. (1727) The Hare and Many Friends. In: Fables by the late Mr Gay in one volume complete. Newcastle, T. Saint, W. Charaley, and J. Whitfield and Co. 1779. [Online] Available from:;view=1up;seq=15  [Accessed 10 May 2018].


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Goose, M. (1889) Jack and Gill. In: W.H. Whitmore (ed) Mother Goose, The Original Mother Goose’s Melody, first issued by John Newbery, of London, about A.D. 1760. Reproduced in fac-similie from the edition as reprinted by Isaiah Thomas, of Worcester, Mass. About A.D. 1785. Albany, Joel Munsell’s Sons. [Online] Available from:;view=1up;seq=5  [Accessed 10 May 2018].


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McGovern, B. (1992) Anne Finch and Her Poetry, a Critical Biography. Athens, Georgia, The University of Georgia Press.  


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Palmer, C. (circa 1786) Three instructive tales for little folk: Simple and careful, Industry and sloth, and The cousins. London, E. Newbery. ECCO. [Online] Available from: [Accessed 10 May 2018].


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Taylor, B (2007) Feminists versus Gallants: Sexual Manners and Morals in Enlightenment Britain. In: Knott, S. & Taylor, B. (eds) Women, Gender and Enlightenment. Basingstoke, Palgrave MacMillan.


Weiss, S.F. (2016) Didactic Sources of Musical Learning. In Glaisyer, N. & Pennell, S. (eds) Didactic Literature in England 1500–1800: Expertise Constructed. Abingdon, Routledge. P40-62. 


Illustrations Used


All illustrations Palmer, C. (circa 1786) Three instructive tales for little folk: Simple and careful, Industry and sloth, and The cousins. London, E. Newbery.  from:


Figure 1 - cover page

Figure 2 - page 7

Figure 3 - page 79

Figure 4 - page 38

Figure 5 - page 68

Figure 6 - page 14

Figure 7 - page 19

Figure 8 - page 44

Figure 9 - page 60



Further Reading


Cohen, M. (2004) Gender and 'method' in eighteenth-century English education, History of education, 33, (5) 585-595.


Dearing, V. & Beckwith C.E. (1974) John Gay Poetry and Prose. Oxford, Clarendon Press.


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